Dollish Polish, Penny... Penny... Penny... (Happy Birthday, Penny!)

Dollish Polish, Penny... Penny... Penny... 4 coats. Outdoors, Full Sun. Indoors, Natural Light. This past Tuesday was one of my little dogs', Penny's, 4th birthday! Of course I had to wear a 'Penny' polish, and it wasn't easy choosing one; I have so many. This one is actually quite perfect because I even had this set as my ring tone on my Android Smart phone; sadly, I can't find the ring tone for my new iPhone. First we will cover the details of this polish; this is from Dollish Polish's The Big Bang Theory Collection . I really just wanted this polish but after seeing the others in the collection I decided to treat myself and get the entire collection. I'm not a huge glitter person but I really like the variation used for these glitters so I actually can see myself using them all; I've already used I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested and it will be up shortly. Penny... Penny... Penny... is a pale peach shimmery milky base wi...