
Showing posts from May, 2019

My Story: Laproscopic Tubal Ligation (aka: I got my tubes tied)

Warning: Possible triggers in this Post; Photos of incisions, IVs, and internal organs. Well, Hello! It's been a minute (more like 3 years)... I recently had a procedure done that I thought might warrant a blog post; yes, this is a nail blog. I fully realize this isn't really a typical post you would see here. Before I decided to get my tubes tied, I researched to learn as much as I could. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos on people's experiences to prepare myself. My experience ended up being different from a lot of them. This is not due to any pre-existing health issues. As a result, I wanted to put this out there for anyone looking for information and wanting to know what to expect and what can occur.  Before I delve in, I do want to give an update and talk about why I don't post here regularly anymore. I'm sure none of my regular readers are surprised as my posts had been dwindling down and I did explain as to why that was in those posts. Pretty...