Barielle, Blue Capri. (Psst! Giveaway Inside!)
Barielle, Blue Capri. 2 coats. Barielle, Blue Capri Blue Capri is from Barielle's 2013 Summer Collection called Summer Brights. This collection consists of polishes that have been previously released except for this one. I've already shown you Pink Flip-Flops and Lemondrops on my Facebook page , but here they are again: The formula on Pin k Flip-Flops is a very opaque cream. It is a little harder to apply like Berry Go Round. I had to be careful in my application to avoid drag marks and streaks. The consistency is also like Berry Go Round in that it is easy to get a nice clean line at the cuticle without any pooling. Usually pale pinks like these require more than 2 coats; for example Pink Quartz is a jelly/cream (Crelly) formula and while it is pretty opaque, it does require 3 coats. (7/20/12) Barielle, Lemondrops. 3 coats. Wow! I just think of 'Shock me, Shock me, Shock me.' from Empire Records... LOL. This is a typical yellow; thick, strea...